Joining a Fandom (a GIF Story)

When it comes to joining a Fandom, or Fandoms, we all start out the same. Normal people just living life. And then someone (more like the person who is the root of your turmoil) asks you if you ever seen a show. And you answer innocently enough…


So they decide they want to introduce you to their Fandom since the entire series is now on Netflix. So you agree to sit and watch the first episode to see what all they hype is about. Whatever.


So you watch the first episode and toward the end you’re pretty much like, this is good.


And then 3 am rolls around and you are still watching the show, because well you just want more!


And after watching three seasons non-stop, you finally emerge from your cave completely disoriented.


You realize, being out of the real world for so long has left you a little rusty when it comes to human interaction.


So you try to go to the friend that led you down the dark path of Fandoms to ask how to undo the process. And all he responds with is…


Because, when it comes to Fandoms,


So you accept your fate, and turn to the only people that understand you. Other Fandomers.


Because, in the end, when it comes to Fandoms, you’ll regret nothing!


Happy Fandoming!


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